They all do well because I make sure that success is built in…this is not to say that everything is beautiful or that everything works well. Often I insert mistakes on purpose, so that they have to be thought through and dealt with. It’s the journey and the process that is every bit as valuable in a learning paradigm as is the final product. However, these are children, so I like to make sure that they have pride in their work and get to bring most all of their work home to share with their parents. Don’t forget, we read, write, play games, do puzzles, use software, and lots of other creative activities as well as fine arts. Every child does between 2-6 things in each 45 minute session, so we build endurance, attention, focus and deal with transitions, as well. Art is a powerful source of learning, and learning while having fun—what a concept!
Do all the kids do well in the arts projects? What if my child doesn’t like art?
28 Sep by